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A2Z and P is for..


Not many letters left in the A2Z Challenge, and the next few letters coming up have really got me thinking. I hopefully will have some exciting nail art coming up...so watch this space!
As for P for Pale I was originally just going to paint my nails with one plain pale colour, but then that seemed to me that I was taking the easiest option, instead of pushing my self to create some nail art. So I came up with one of my favourite looks for nails, and something I have done many times before, and each time the look is different.
So my P is for Pale Patchwork..
I used some of my own made water decals to start of this mani.

Then with the pastel collection from Outdoor Girl, I filled in the gaps..

Pretty looking, but its not until the stitching detail is added, that this nail art comes to life.

I just love the way this looks, such a pretty and easy nail art to do. Next weeks Q for... will be something special if I cam pull it off!!
Click here, the main hub page were you can take a look back at all the wonderful nail art from the beginning of this challenge right up to now.
I'm really enjoying being a of the A2Z Bloggers, and hope you like what you've seen so far, till next time..
stay safe and much love..

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