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Good afternoon!
It's been an eventful week here. I haven't had enough time to think let alone blog, for which I apologise! My parents came over to Nottingham this week which was nice. I have missed them and my friends. I haven't been able to see anyone lately which has made me sad. You don't know what you have till its gone it seems! I've also been throwing myself into finding the perfect winter coat - which is harder then it looks! Apparently if I want to have warmth then I shall have no buttons and if I want to have style then it can't be black and if I don't want to be cold then I need zips - ARGH!
I hate shopping at this time of year because things seem so pointless! I got all my Christmas gifts done in August! I HATE being hit by panicked shoppers and put under pressure to get the last giftbox of expensive soaps that I would never normally buy!!!!
I am also very aware that with Christmas comes the January sales......which are a perfect time to stock up on expensive discounted soaps you would never normally buy - hence why I held off on buying the Soap and Glory scrub that I love!!!!
I did however treat myself to one thing today - I got my lip pierced! I haven't had a stud in my lip for about six years and I wanted it! I missed it! I also love it. With body piercing - if your not sure about it then you can always take it out. Tattoos however are forever! I do plan on changing my appearance quite  a bit over the next few weeks - I will be adding a skull tattoo and changing my hair to red! I can't wait to see the finished effect - I will post it as soon as possible!

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