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Week 48: Lessons, Meditation & Training for my Destiny

After one particular instance this week, this distinct thought crossed my mind. “If my mom wasn’t my mom we probably wouldn’t be friends.” The reason I believe that is because I often pose challenges towards her. Sometimes it’s related to religious perspectives or towards her resistance to use technology. In the future, I have ideas that will present more challenges that I know she will one day thank me for. If she doesn’t appreciate the challenges I present, she will love and tolerate me regardless because I’m her son. If I wasn’t her son most likely she wouldn’t deal with me at all.

The reason for this theory is because most people don’t like to be challenged. Another way of saying it is, “Most people don’t like to change from their ways.” If anybody is going to be apart of my life I’m going to do my best to make their life better. If we’re not making each others lives better, then there is no reason to exist in each others life.

“When everything evolves, everything around that thing evolves as well.”

For trying to encourage someone I connect with last week 47, I was told through text that I made that person feel belittled, awkward and odd. All I did was invite that person to a free improv class and I encouraged that person to take advantage of one of the activities. I did nothing but encourage and somehow I was made into a villain.  I’ve been around long enough to know that I’m not the real villain in this predicament. The true villain is the fear that lives in side of most of us. I’ve done nothing but attempt to help this person since we connected and the intervention of fear totally diminished all of my efforts.

"Fear is worse than cancer and spreads faster than a parasite."

Since I have been aware of my powers and abilities and I have taken the initiative to improve the lives of people in my life by helping them address their fears. For example, if I’m working on a project with someone and I know they have a fear of public speaking I would delegate them to speak for the project. I’ve taken initiatives like this in the past and I tend to be loved or hated for it. There is no in the middle outcome.

My recent mind boggling disconnection reaffirmed why I am such a loner. I have no fear and millions upon millions of people protect and contains their fear. Fears must be diminished if one desires progress in their life. As much I would love to assist everyone personally, I can’t because the fear lives in their universe not mine.

In small towns my previous approach may have been useful but not in LA. I’m singling out LA because everyone here is trying to create their own universe. Everyone believes they know everything and how to get it done. Its hard to advise people anything here. To a degree I could understand that. Nevertheless, the containment of any type of fear I won’t ever understand.

The smallest advice I can give to anyone who desire to relocate to LA is to get rid of your fears first. The advice needed towards myself is to be as elusive as possible. Through this experience, among another, I understand why celebrities are so elusive. As much as I want to be available and have one on one relationship with everyone I have to impact people in an elusive yet esoteric demeanor. I'm sure I will touch on this topic again in the future.  

Meditation & Training for my Destiny

Earlier this week I had a hosting audition that did not pan out the way I hoped. Immediately not happy with my personal performance during my audition. I thereafter felt disappointed, irritated and restless for a while. I concluded that my most of my energy went into producing (The New Hero of Late Night is Emerging). I didn’t take any time to rest and celebrate as I should of.

I also realized some important signs flashing in my life. I realized that now is the time to fully take the transition I’ve been anticipating.

By Wednesday I began to meditate and thoroughly enjoyed it. I also made an appointment at a Maum Korean Meditation center. I’m looking forward to adding the power of meditation of my mind. Most importantly, I begin training in my purpose solely as a talent on Saturday.

Day 329 Sunday, August 14, 2011

* Blogging…Editing…

Day 330 Monday, August 15, 2011

Read Post: The New Hero of Late Night is Emerging

Day 331 Tuesday, August 16, 2011

* Hosting audition for a new show called 8 on a Date. I made silly mistakes that should of never happened.

Day 332 Wednesday, August 17, 2011

* The need and desire to clear my mind was evident. I took it upon myself to meditate and it was an amazing experience. The experience was a mix between meditation and imagination and I loved it. I imagined myself hosting my late night talk show and the pictures in mind seems so real I busted out laughing several times.

* A second attempt was made for me to be on the show Operation Repo tomorrow since last week but the circumstances were way too difficult. Using public transportation it would of took me 4-5 hours to get there. It wasn't worth even considering.

* Emailed the bookings for my 2010 tax income taxes to my accountant in Tampa. I'm still waiting on a response yet joyous it's all down.  

Day 333 Thursday, August 18, 2011

* Prior to class I assisted in organizing the Lifebook Showcase meeting, followed by class work. 

Sharon & Motown in an Improv scene

Day 334 Friday, August 19, 2011

* I had to attend orientation for the GROW program and although it wasn't very long it gave me flash back from my last 9-5 job in 2004.

* I got creative with my camera and posted it on this transformer and timed this sweet picture. On the way back from the barber...

Motown Maurice about to catch the bus on the way back from the barber

Day 335 Saturday, August 20, 2011

* Read Post: Training in Full Affect

If you haven't read already I'm Food Stamp Rich and I'm loving it. Almost everyday this week  I went to the deli at Ralph's used my EBT card for Chicken wings, Cake (Carrot or Red Velette), water & fruit. 

Motown Maurice is living food stamp rich and is eating well.

Waiting for Bus 81 at night from Downtown LA (Hill & 5th) to Figueroa & 98th is long and tedious but other than that life is great. I'm loving my motel more and more. I'm eating great. Most importantly I feel prosperous.

I'm much more focused on becoming a better host now. After my own session of meditation this week, I started to brain storm new ideas for my late night talk show. I'm having newer and greater visions. These are exciting moments for me. My imagination has been taking me places. 

There are a lot of stuff I'm not wasting my time on anymore. I've been graduating and focusing in on training and craft development. I will explain in my 3rd quarter evaluation soon.

On a separate note, I'm trying to weed myself out of text-ing. Not only because it always leads to trouble but mostly because so many people use it as a cowardly act. Hence to someone who text-ed me when that person should of returned my calls but its no big deal. I'm just really hoping to cut away from text-ing soon. Or at least for certain situations. We'll see how that goes.

"The path of every great person is laced with tests. Relentlessness & rigorousness tests that challenges the mind, body & soul. Persevere and each test will reward you with a new lesson and a gift to compliment your next path."

~ Motown Maurice

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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