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Miranda Cosgrove's "Sparks Fly"

Known mainly for her acting skills on iCarly, Nickelodeon star Miranda Cosgrove has dipped her feet into the music world with a few singles over the years. In 2010 Cosgrove officially stepped out as an artist by releasing her debut album, "Sparls Fly". An appropriate title for the album seeing as what comes out of the album is pop magic. Even though the standard edition of the album is extremely short, only eight tracks, some great moments come from the deluxe edition that adds four more tracks to the list. Cosgrove's voice comes off beautiful in some tracks, while some sound altered, but overall it is a great listen by a girl who sings as a second job. Acting and singing just come naturally for this talented person. This album will not be her last.
The album begins with lead single "Kissin' U", one of only two songs on the tracklist that Cosgrove actually helped in writing. The song is a teen love song, but Cosgrove's vocals seperate it from anything ordinary. A great choice for a first single as it embodies the entire theme of the album as well as showcasing a great vocal performance by Cosgrove. Next in line is the pop creation "BAM", which she probably repeats at least seventy times. Her voice sounds a tad bit altered, but one could tell that it is a fun, care-free, type of song. One of my favorites on the album with one of my favorite lyrics, it shows that Cosgrove may become a threat in the pop industry for most acts out there now. In the next song Miranda gets help from none other than Ke$ha. "Disgusting" was a demo of Ke$ha's that I heard a while back, but Miranda takes it and makes it her own, while making it sound ten times better. The track is another great pop song where Cosgrove sings about how she is disgusted by how much she actually likes a certain guy. It is a song that only takes one listen to reel you in and continues to make the album enjoyable. The first, and one of the only few, songs that come off "average" and a bit forgettable is the track "Shakespeare". It is not a bad song it just gets lost in between other amazing songs. It is a slight step back for the album, but nothing big enough to slow down the potential of the album. The next two tracks, "Hey You" and "There Will Be Tears", can be considered more successful songs by the singer. "Hey You" is a low tempo track that does not rely on heavy beats to make it enjoyable. Cosgrove gets to show the vocal range she is capable of as well as pour so much emotion into the mix. "There Will Be Tears" is a heartfelt, song of strength where Miranda says she will no longer shed a tear for the guy she left. A powerful track that will become the theme song for any broken relationship. Great vocals and lyrics make it a must listen. "Oh Oh" comes off as a modern pop track that again deals with the issue of a break-up. The songs is filled with great background production and beats that takes the album to a different level and sound. The last track on the standard edition "Daydream", which was penned by Avril Lavigne, closes the album on a good note. It allows Cosgrove to bring out her rocker side and it comes out very successful way, sometimes sounding like Lavigne herself. The song is great and shows that she is not just a "one genre" singer. On the deluxe edition two songs are what I consider good while the other two are great. The first up of the great, "Brand New You", deals with moving on with your life. The song is a nice listen which is why I cannot understand how it was not included in the standard edition. The song is catchy and will anyone singing along. The best track of all is the love song "What Are You Waiting For". Cosgrove is showing her love to her friend asking him why he has not asked her out. Anyone can relate to this beautiful song, myself included. Everything about the track is true perfection. "Adored" is a good song, but nothing special. Cosgrove's vocals are beautiful and soft as usual, but the lyrics are bland and it does not pack a strong punch. "Beautiful Mess" finishes the deluxe edition of the album on a good note. The lyrics, soft beats, and vocals all come together in order to create another great pop ballad. Overall the album is a successful one. Miranda has created a great pop album that shows that she is a true musician and not just an actress turned singer.
"Sparks Fly" works in every way. Cosgrove shows that she should be taken seriously by putting out some amazing vocal performances and memorable tracks. Many genres are explored throughout the album and one would be able to notice that Miranda puts her heart into what she sings and creates. The alum rivals stuff that successful artists are releasing now so the only thing that can be predicted by this album is that Miranda Cosgrove will have a successful career in music as well. The album has a couple of halts on the album, but never does it become a failure. For a debut album, she has showed that she can actually sing and the album becomes an enjoyable and fun listen that has great lyrics, vocals, and perfect production mixed in. Miranda stands on her own two feet as she tries to breakout in the music world. The album is amazing and gets a final rating of 85%, great first album.

Tracks to hear: "BAM", "There Will Be Tears", and "What Are You Waiting For"

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